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Enraya 08-02-2009 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by Loveless (Post 366856)
I've only really noticed the girly dance moves that... kinda... just kinda creeps me out.

The first time I danced with a guy... for two beats or so I stared at his avatar shaking his firm buns yeah? Scary stuff.

Actually, I kind of wanted to make a guy after seeing them in game.
They're WAY BETTER than guys I have seen in other MMO's. .__. At least in my opinion hahaha. xD The hairstyles/faces are actually not that bad, they just look feminine while dancing LMAO. xD

My favourite guy look is the black hair/kind of thin and slanted eyes/bowl hat. =_=

@ Sparky
Yeah I did what Blaaaahs mentioned LOL. xD

Sparkeh 08-02-2009 08:57 AM



"Cant download ......... The connection to the server has reset"


Hessah 08-02-2009 09:01 AM

There was a dance move where it looks like you're patting some foundation onto your face... looks really weird when 3 guys on 1 team did it at the same time O_O

Sparkeh 08-02-2009 09:04 AM

Omg i was in >:|

re-download >:|

Loveless 08-02-2009 09:07 AM


I kinda wanted to make a guy as well... after seeing Audition the guys seem to look better in these kind of games. Sans the girly dance moves.

Gonna wake up and play some tomorrow. :3

Sparkeh 08-02-2009 09:08 AM

Help meeh. ._.

My DL always reset. ._______________________________.

I'm ganna miss it. :sad::sad::sad:

Loveless 08-02-2009 09:11 AM

A smarter move would be to go to their forums and post in their Tech Support. Or just give a rest and wait a couple of hours until you download it again.

Sparkeh 08-02-2009 01:07 PM

Well im trying to DL over & over.

Last time. O:<

Lirange 08-02-2009 02:31 PM

try a download manager

ralath has shudda shades

going to try the game
needs to dl

heh, stupid question, wheres the download?>.>
nvm, didn't see that big download now button

done installing and everything
now need to wait 2 more hours to play

Jikanu 08-02-2009 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by Ralath (Post 366812)

wrong. if it's an opinion, there's no possible way it can be false. However, i can back it up with facts, if you want.

1. Her songs are generic. they've been done over and over again by every other crappy pop diva. They arent poetic; they have little meaning.

2. Her voice, too, is generic.

I'll gladly continue this debate with you in PM's, but i dont wanna set the thread on fire with offtopicness.

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