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Ivramire 01-21-2010 07:10 PM

I wasn't suspicious of Desu at first, but his reply to Lirange is a little suspicious. He replys to everything in Lirange's post but still hasn't claimed to be human exactly, just says that he isn't Legal.

Lirange 01-21-2010 08:45 PM

OMg!?!? You guys are voting for me? Why?D: I already gave my reasoning for leesa. Leesa hasn't even posted yet. If you guys vote for me becaues I talk then you'll be one down, assuming your a human. And also, like I said before. We point fingers at people who are actively talking, how about the people who don't actively talk? What if they're a legal? Since most people wont suspect them since there's nothing to suspect, they'd just fly through the game. Also, active>inactive. If your going to vote for me at least make sure it's when all the quiet people are dead. Also guys note, if I die please highly suspect destrus and bdex. Again, I've been suspicious of destrus and I agree with Ivra. As for bdex, I really don't know why he's accusing me when I even haven't accused of him yet. It could be that him and destrus are trying to get people to vote for me. And when he said "tbh I really cant be assed PMing Blaahs to change it" maybe that's because if I end up getting the majority vote which he may be hoping I will, you'll guys see that I'm a human which he may know and he'll end up using that as his excuse or people might not suspect him because of that excuse. So just note, destrus and bdex are people to look out for if I die, and maybe now. That is my death wish!! But I really do hope you guys vote for leesa, and manzcar, I already stated why to vote for leesa. Also note, it doesn't seem like manzcar is keeping up with the thread, this may be something to watch out for. I've said something about this in my previous post. How it was a pretty stupid move for the legal to kill Jik because he was already being suspected. If they have been keeping up with the thread it would of been a better move to kill someone else.

Lirange 01-21-2010 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by Destrus (Post 399923)
eh now that i think about it if lirange is phino then we don't want to vote for him

If I was phino why would I even bring it up? I was the first one to mention a possibility of individual roles. I named st and phino first. Chances are that you guys may have forgotten about it and if you guys do, I'm sure when most people think of individual roles they think of st first. They may have even forgotten about phino. If I was phino it'd be safer for me to just not mention it at all and hope you guys forgot all about it, that way you won't have any suspicions of me being a phino since you think that I'm talking to much and trying to get people to vote for me. The reason I talk a lot is because I think you should in this game and I'm trying to unite our votes because a huge issue in some games is that votes were far to spread out and that could result in multiple humans dying or no one dying at all, giving a legal a free day. We won't get nowhere if we try to be on the safe side and not voice our opinion because we're scared people will start suspecting us.

Ivramire 01-21-2010 08:52 PM

Now Lirange's reaction is suspicious...

Lirange 01-21-2010 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by Ivramire (Post 399948)
Now Lirange's reaction is suspicious...

How is it suspicious? I think bdex and destrus is trying to turn the tables on me. I'm just posting reasons defending myself and also giving possibilities of them being a Legal. Tell me, does my posts not have good points?

Also, if I remember correctly, the legals kill was updated at last minute or near it correct? This may also be another reason as to why one of the quiet people are a legal. The fellow legals may have been trying to communicate with them or try to get a word in with them but they didn't reply so they had to send in the vote at last minute. So leesa is a big possibility. Also cillia, even though I think her excuse is Legit, this kinda proves my point more. As for triumph, I don't think he's a legal even though he's not active. But idk. I'm more towards human for him but there's a possibility that he might be a legal.

Ivramire 01-21-2010 09:00 PM

I said that because it seemed to me that your response was out of proportion to the 'event'.

Also what looks to be a hastily written WoT seems like a panicked reaction lol. I'm not really suspicious though.

Off-topic: you always get on right after I get off LoL + vice versa. Played a game 10 mins ago.

Lirange 01-21-2010 09:10 PM

I don't think it was out of proportion. I'm already probably highly suspected by a few people(bdex, destrus, maybe more) and I'm sure there are some people who are a little suspicious of me like you. I write a lot accusing other people so I think it'd also do good for me and be better if I write a lot defending myself. Then again, that may only make me look more suspicious. xD Oh well, we'll see. Game should be getting an update soon. 6:00am in sydney.

Hessah 01-21-2010 09:34 PM

It's.. currently 9.10am in Sydney..

I'm keeping my vote on Leesa.. I hate being killed coz I talk too much so I dont wanna vote for Lirange yet for this reason, so taking the chances that first kills are often a human, I may as well go for someone that isnt active..

If lirange is a human and we kill him then we'll lose out big time..

Leesa 01-21-2010 10:20 PM

Oh gawd xD Forgot about this @_@

Leesa 01-21-2010 10:21 PM


PSH IVE BEEN PLAYING LOL FOR A SHIZ LOAD!!!!!! I bought Nidalee T.T and this is what I get?

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